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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hello World!


This is the first post of a long and arduous project. Someone once compared audacious undertakings to bamboo: the seedlings can spend months underground, in the darkness, gathering their potential; but once they burst into the light, they can grow to astonishing heights in a short time.

We believe this to be true of our endeavor. We've taken the task of integrating a wide range of approaches, from pranayama, yoga, and traditional martial arts, to dynamic tension, physical culture, and powerlifting. And we've grounded it all in a solid foundation of Greek philosophy and existentialism: preferring the earliest, the most spare and direct, and closest to the original source. Our approach cannot be easily summed up, as it relies on so many great forbears from so many traditions: you simply have to watch, wait, and learn.

Not to worry, though. Our content is mostly free, as befits those who wish to benefit mankind; only our comprehensive program in its full glory carries a price tag, along with the benefit and support of individual advice and video coaching. It costs nothing to begin your training. Welcome to a new chapter in your life, where mastery is a daily reality and not merely a faraway goal.

Stay tuned for our regular posts; we will begin next time with some fundamental breathing exercises and principles, and then follow it up with a series of bodyweight exercises and a look at philosophy of intensity vs. the philosophy of volume.


Donny Fraser
CEO & Chief Trainer